Below you will see the dedications and donations that the Parish have gratefully received towards our Parish campaign to restore the stained glass windows in
St Malachy’s Church, Ballymoyer.
We thank all our donors.
Amount Donor/Dedication
£100 Pat O’Hanlon & Family
£200 Anonymous Donation
£200 John & Carmel Mackin
£50 Gerry and Katrina Mellon
£150 James & Mary McKeown RIP
£1000 The McVerry Family
£50 John & Nora Mooney RIP
£30 Lillian Kenny
£1000 Cathal & Martina McParland
£500 Ambrose & Mary McParland RIP
£100 Anonymous Donation
£500 In memory of Patrick E McKeown and Doreen E McKeown, from the McKeown family
£5000 The Deceased Members of the McSherry Family, Ballymoyer RIP
£50 The Gorman Family, Newry Road, Newtownhamilton
£50 Amanda Lindsay
£50 The Hubrich Family & Stuart Taylor
£20 Anonymous Donation
£1000 Bernard Kennedy
£1000 Turlough Kennedy
£3000 Siobhan Kennedy
£100 Peter McKernan RIP
£50 Brian O’Neill JNR
£50 Pat Joe Lennon RIP
£2000 Anonymous Donation
£20 The Gorman Family
£150 John Moley and Family
£5000 – Patrick & Eileen O’Hanlon Ballintate, Bill & Betty Fegan nee O’Hanlon Mayobridge, Margaret Fegan nee O’Hanlon Toronto.
£100 Anonymous Donation
£150 Mary Frances McVerry
£100 Malachí & Anne Cowan