Our current Parish Pastoral Council was elected in June 2023 and have been undergoing training and getting to know each other. At the first meeting of the PPC a plan was put in place to discuss how the team might work together and with the wider Parish to assist the Pastoral needs of the Parish. One of the first things that the PPC felt was important was communication and so this page is dedicated to giving Parishioners a synopsis of what has been discussed, this will be updated after each meeting.
Meeting held on 9th May 2024
Discussion around various ways in which to encourage Eucharistic Adoration was discussed with various initiatives agreed on, including 12 Hours Adoration on 12th June with a focus on prayers for those who are ill, Relic of St Anthony and Blessing to take place at an evening Mass.
Corpus Christi Procession will take place on Sunday 2nd June at St Teresa’s Tullyherron with various groups invited to attend. Sacramental Children will lead the procession.
St Brigid’s 1500th Celebrations
A display will be placed in St Brigid’s Church focusing on the History of St Brigid and the Church dedicated to her in this Parish, a number of Parishioners and School children will assist with this project.
A proposed Parish Fun Day similar to our 2018 World meeting of Families Fun Day has been discussed, this will become a reality if there is enough volunteers come forward to assist.
Children/Family Ministry
The Parish will have a dedicated Family Mass on the First Saturday evening of each month in St Malachy’s Church, Readings, Prayers and Music will be particularly focused on families and Children. This will begin on 6th July.
Families who have anniversaries f loved ones, will be invited to participate in weekend Masses in the Parish if they wish, this could include praying the Prayers of the Faithful or brining forward offertory gifts.
Activities in Assisi Centre
Activities are progressing well in the Assisi Centre with Lectio, Mother and Toddler and Men’s Shed all availing of the Centre.
Baptism Course
Baptism Course will resume in the near future after being stopped due to covid. The course is beneficial in ensuring that Parents and Godparents realise the responsibility that they have in teaching the Christian to their Child/Godchild.
Members were updated on progress to St Laurence O’Toole’s Church, currently the surveys are with our Structural engineers.
Meeting held on 11th April 2024
Discussion around the activities in the Assisi Centre, it was noted that the Lectio, Parent & Toddler and the Mens Shed have met – this was a positive step forward.
Repair to Belleeks were discussed, currently the Parish is waiting on reports from specialists which will then allow us to decide on the next steps – it is however clear that significant funds will need to be raised in order to repair the building.
Preparations for Blessing of Graves was agreed.
Discussion in relation to the Month of May and the promotion of the Rosary took place and an agreement was made to build upon last years success, relating to the daily Rosary being prayed at the Churches.
Thanks was sent to all those who made the 12 hours of Adoration for Vocations such a success. In order to promote the practice of Eucharistic Adoration, it was agreed that an Adoration Group should be established to promote and shape Adoration in the future so that further 12 hours of Adoration could take place.
Celebration in this Year of St Brigid was discussed – it was felt that a Historical Display should be placed in the Church – Members undertook to speak to St Brigid’s School as well as local people to ask for some input with this. (Parishioners invited to submit any relevant info!)
Year of Prayer for World Jubilee of Mercy was discussed – as we prepare for the Year of Mercy beginning in December, Prayer Cards will be produced in the coming weeks, so that we can all begin preparations for this Year of Mercy.
First Holy Communion was discussed, and council agreed to the change of venue for First Holy Communion due to logistical reasons.
Meeting held on Thursday 15th February 2024
At a recent meeting of the Parish Pastoral Council the following items were discussed.
Thanks was given to Elaine Cunningham and the Parish Choir in Ballymoyer and to all others who assisted in the beautiful Carol Service.
Danny McSherry was thanked for his work selling Trocaire gifts, thanks was also expressed to all those who supported the work of Trocaire.
Clare Donnelly was elected as the Chairperson of the PPC, the PPC wished her well in the role.
The Diocesan Pastoral worker spoke to the PPC about the ongoing Church Synod and congratulated the Parish on already moving forward with a two year plan based on the outcomes of the synod (Plan can be viewed online at https://parishofloughgilly.com/parish-life/parish-groups/pastoral-parish-council/ )
The PPC were given a overview of the ongoing works in St Laurence O’Toole’s Church. Essentially there is major structural issues with the roof structure due to ingress of many years of water.
Assisi Centre was discussed with members asked to encourage new activities in the centre. Some activities discussed were Mother and Toddlers morning, tea mornings, men’s shed, knitting groups, prayer group and youth activities. (Parishioners are welcome to suggest other activities and to volunteer to assist with these in the centre)
The Parish has submitted a request for a permanent relic of St Brigid to be retained in St Brigid’s Church. The PPC also discussed events for this year dedicated to St Brigid. Members were advised that a prayer card had been commissioned by the Parish and was available in St Brigid’s, dedicated candles are also available.
Liturgies for Lent were discussed with Stations of the Cross planned for each Sunday evening at 7pm, in various Churches led by various groups.
A Light in the Night which includes Adoration by Candlelight with Music, Reflections and Confessions will take place on Palm Sunday 24th March.
Vocations were discussed and as part of the Churches year of Prayer for vocations there will be 12 hours of Adoration on Thursday 21st March in St Malachy’s Church.
The proposal to have a defibrillator installed at St Brigid’s Church was discussed, and funding will be sought for this.